Four big themes
- modeling: data structures for the representation of 2D or 3D scenes
- Report: Construction of 2D images from 3D models or 2D
- animation: simulation of changes over time
- interaction: one or more users
Examples of applications
- information visualization (eg mapping, medical imaging)
- computer-aided design (eg design, automotive, architecture)
- simulation and animation (eg video games, cartoons, special effects)
- human-computer interaction
History of Computer Graphics
introduction to OpenGL and GLUT
geometric primitives
coordinate systems, transformations and clipping
hidden surface removal
color and opacity, light and shade
display and image capture
texture mapping
operations on fragments and pixels
text display
feedback, selection and picking for interaction
improved performance, display lists, vertex arrays
antialiasing techniques
very large textures, multitexture
billboards and projection textures
glossmaps and lightmaps, environment mapping and bump mapping
procedural texture
mirrors and shadows (drop shadows, projective shadows, shadow volumes, shadow mapping)
polygonal meshes, hierarchical models and scene graphs
partitions space using BSP trees
collision detection
implicit surfaces
basic principles of animation
1957: Creation of Digital Equipment Corporation
1960: Release of DEC PDP-1
1961: MIT, I. Sutherland created Sketchpad, the first structured drawing editor, and S. Russell creates Spacewar, the first video game
1962: P. Bezier (Renault) develops a method of drawing curves or surfaces
1963 S. Coons offers another method for constructing surfaces from patches
1963: E. Zajac (Bell Labs) created one of the first animated films to illustrate his scientific work
1960: Release of DEC PDP-1
1961: MIT, I. Sutherland created Sketchpad, the first structured drawing editor, and S. Russell creates Spacewar, the first video game
1962: P. Bezier (Renault) develops a method of drawing curves or surfaces
1963 S. Coons offers another method for constructing surfaces from patches
1963: E. Zajac (Bell Labs) created one of the first animated films to illustrate his scientific work
1964: DAC-1 (General Motors and IBM) to describe a 3D model of car and display several points of view
1965: J. Bresenham develops an efficient algorithm for drawing lines
1966: I. Sutherland invents the head-mounted display
1968: The University of Utah hires D. Evans to create a group of Computer Graphics. Evans brought Sutherland ...
1969: J. Warnock subdivision algorithm provides for the removal of hidden surfaces
1970: E. Catmull, J. J. Warnock and During follow Clark Evans and Sutherland
1971: H. Gouraud Evans with a thesis at the University of Utah where he developed a smoothing algorithm shadows
1971 N. Bushnell created Atari. A year later, he released Pong, the first video game public
1971: R. Goldstein and R. Nagel lay the foundations for the CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry)
1972: R. Shoup (Xerox) develops the first 8-bit frame-buffer University of Utah become "the Mecca of 3D"
To be continued ..
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