
Artwork design photoshop tutorial using Illustrator

In this tutorial, Illustrator i'm gonna takes you through the process of creating a bold artwork with an 80s retro tropical theme.

Which is better Galaxy S III or iPhone 4S

Many smart phone users always fall into the trap of "Which is better" when thinking about buying a new suit their needs.

HTC announces droid DNA phone screen 5 inches 1080P for the U.S Market

As expected, HTC Corporation announced the launch of her new Ripper Droid DNA to the Verizon network in the United States of America.

Study in the best universities in the world for free from your home and get a certificate

I'm talking about the largest universities ranked among the top five worldwide recall here Harvard, Berkley, and the MIT...

Here are these secret codes and discover secrets of your phone

Android system, is also a system filled with many secrets and codes, which is a number you enter in your phone in order to get ...

Get on the borders of an additional hour of work on your Laptop

When you start to work on your laptop is on battery, you definitely want to take advantage of more as possible of "Juice Battery", for this if you are a seasoned you specify process that is not working out and that consume battery was you quit work, either in the case of whether you areseasoned, you inevitably find problems in determining those process but may cause problems for your computer if you tried. 
And between this and that time takes each time in determine process and finish its work in time working on the battery is tired and a waste of time, for this in this article I will discuss with you a very nice program help you to improve the consumption of laptop battery.

Program battery optimizer is a program that works to identify automatically the best settings that can be compatible with your computer, so that raises a computer operating on battery after working a simple analysis of the device, all you need is after the program installation click first on the Run Diagnostic was then click on Begin Diagnostic where you will notice after the high and low in the sharpness of the image as well as spare in Internet connectivity and Bluetooth ... For work compared to (do not worry wait until the end of the work tool, everything will return to normal automatically).

After work program Stdahr results comparison click on the word Optimise battery life and so will make the program you choose the best settings for your computer for more than the additional minutes, can be up to 60 minutes. This image of a computer before and after, although shipping is only 58%

To download  Battery Optimizer

Enjoy ! 

How to creating Links in Dreamweaver : Part 2

Hey Everyone again !

We're going to see the rest of the lesson and the second part right now.

Part 2 – Named Anchors: Links to specific places in documents

“Named anchors” act as invisible markers in HTML documents that allow you to link to a specific section of the page designated by the anchor. To use a named anchor, you must create the anchor first, and then create the link that points to the anchor. You can link to an anchor from the same page or from a different page.
1. In Dreamweaver, place the cursor at the point where you wish to insert the anchor.
2. Insert the anchor by clicking on the Named Anchor icon in the Insert panel, or by selecting Insert > Named Anchor from the menu bar.
3. Type a short, descriptive name for that section of the document in the new dialog box and click OK. (Remember this name for step 6 below.)
4. Your named anchor is now defined. Depending on your preference settings in Dreamweaver, you might see a little yellow icon to indicate the location of the new anchor.   (Don’t delete the icon!)
5. Now you’ll need to create a link to the new anchor. Start by selecting the text that you want to use as the link.
6. Create the link to the anchor by typing the # symbol followed by the anchor name in the Link field of the Properties panel. For example, if you are linking to a named anchor called “tip1” from the same Web page, you’ll type #tip1 in the Link field. If you’re linking to that anchor from a different page within your site, you’ll need to include the name of the file containing the anchor followed by the anchor name with no spaces (i.e.filename.html#tip1). Press Enter.
7. After the address is entered in the Link field, your new link will be underlined and blue.
Part 3 – Links to e-mail addresses

E-mail links open up new mail messages addressed to the person that you specify in your
link. To create an e-mail link, follow these steps:
Option 1: Using the Insert panel.

1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the link.
2. Click on the E-mail Link icon in the Insert panel or select Insert > E-mail Link from the menu bar. A new dialog box will appear.
3. In the first field of the new dialog box, enter the text that will display on the page where you’ve placed your cursor; in the second field, enter the e-mail address. Click OK.
4. Your link should now appear in the document with blue underlined text.
Option 2: Using the Properties panel.
1. Select the text that will act as the hyperlink.
2. In the Link field of the Properties panel, type mailto: followed by the desired e-mail address. There should not be any spaces. Example:
3. After typing the link, press Enter. Your link text will be blue and underlined. 
Optional parameters:
You can define optional parameters for e-mail links, including text for the subject field, multiple primary recipients, as well as cc and bcc recipients. Use a question mark to append the parameters to the e-mail link.
• Include an e-mail subject:
• Send to multiple primary recipients (separate e-mail addresses with a semicolon):;
• Include a subject, cc, and bcc:

• Links are case-sensitive.
• Do not include any spaces in your links (even at the end).
• Always include the http:// protocol for external links. (Don’t start with www.)
• Always create links relative to the site root, not relative to the document.
• Always check your links after uploading your Web page!
• Check the links on your page periodically because if the URL of the Web page you’re linking to changes, your link will be broken.

How to creating Links in Dreamweaver : Part 1

Hey Everyone!

The laste time we talk about some basics of Dreamwaver 

And in this tutorial i'm gonna show you how to create links in Dreamweaver. We’ll talk about three types of links: links to documents, links to specific places inside documents, and links to e-mail addresses.

Part 1 - Links to documents
Regular hyperlinks can be used to link to HTML pages, PDF files, or any other file on the Web. Follow these steps to create a link from your page in Dreamweaver:
1. Open the HTML file that will contain the link.
2. Select the text that you want to use as the hyperlink.
3. In the Properties panel (see illustration below), enter the URL of the link:
• If the page you are linking to already exists within your Dreamweaver site on your local machine, the best way to enter the URL is to browse for the file. To do this, click on the folder icon in the Properties panel. In the new dialog box, select the file that you’re linking to and choose Site Root for the relative path option. Press OK.

• If the page you are linking to is not on your local machine, the best way to enter the URL is to visit the site in your Web browser. When you find the page, copy the URL from the address bar of the Web browser. Return to Dreamweaver and paste the URL in the Link field of the Properties panel. Press Enter.

• If you know the address, you can type it directly in the Link field of the Properties panel, but always include http://. If you start your link with www, the link won’t work. After typing the full URL, press Enter.

4. If your link is pointing to an external Web site or a PDF file, it’s a good idea to configure the link to open in a new browser window. You can do this by setting the Target option in the Properties panel as “_blank.” If you don’t want the linked page to open in a new browser window, don’t select anything for Target.

5. After the address is entered in the Link field, the selected text in your HTML page will be underlined and blue.
NOTE: Another way to create a link is to select Insert > Hyperlink from the menu bar in
Dreamweaver. This option opens a new dialog box where you can enter the text for the
link, the URL, and the target.

How to restore color for older images ?

Hey Everyone!

In this tutorial you will see restore color method for older images more wonderful like this one.

Now we will work on a different picture but the result is the same.
Just follow the step on this video:

See you soon in more tutorial :)

Basic tutorial for Dreamweaver CS5 : Part 2

We're going to see the rest of the lesson and the second part of the programme Dreamweaver basics right now.

History Panel:

The history panel shows recent changes that you’ve made to your document. This panel allows you to undo or redo commands you’ve completed. To activate the history panel, simply go to Windows -­‐> History.

Dreamweaver CSS Classes:
Dreamweaver has a window to manage the different CSS styles. These CSS styles, as explained earlier, allow users to customize the appearance of the HTML website. When you create a new website, you have the option to attach the CSS style to the head of the HTML page, or to create a separate CSS page that is linked to the HTML page.

Often, it’s useful to create a new CSS style. If you decide to create another HTML page but you want to use a previously created CSS page, it’s as easy as clicking the link button under the ‘Attach CSS file’ query (as shown above), finding the CSS page, and accepting it. Also, if you change any aspects of the CSS page, it changes all of the previously linked HTML pages, making it easier to keep everything in unison.

On the right side of the screen, there should be a CSS Styles window. If not, go to Window -­‐> CSS Styles.
Each of these properties has a slew of customizations that each user can apply to it.
To access these customizations, double-­‐click on any of these properties.
There is quite a lot of different ways to customize these CSS style pages, and most of it you’ll pick up while making changes to your pages. Dreamweaver lets you change the following fields: Type, Background, Block, Box, Border, List, Positioning, and Extensions.
Type lets you change the font of the text. This includes the size, the weight, the color, and decorations.

Background lets you change the background of a field. You can change it into a color or into an image. There are fields that allow you to position it according to its x and y-­‐axis alongwith how it repeats itself.

Block lets the users change the alignment of text and how it’s placed. The display section can be used to change unordered lists into creative navigations.
Box lets you change attributes of boxes. This includes its width and height, along with padding and margin. Border adds a border to a certain section. You can change the type of style, width, and color for all four sides (top, right, bottom, and left) of a box. List lets you change aspects of lists, such as the type of bullet used for unordered lists, images, and positions. Positioning lets you move the position of an attribute, such as its placement, position, visibility, along with its z-­‐index and overflow. Extensions allow you to change aspects of page breaks and visual effects, such as different cursor types and filters.

Links (websites, documents, PDF files, emails):

To include a hyperlink, highlight the text that you want to link. Below in the Properties bar, enter in the desired URL under the ‘Link’ query and then hit enter.

Another method to create a hyperlink is to highlight a text and then right-­‐click. In the contextual menu, select ‘Make Link’. In the window, at the bottom there is a section to include a URL. Simply enter in the URL. If you want to link to another document (i.e. an HTML page, a PDF, etc.), find the document and hit OK.

Emails are treated similarly. Highlight the text, enter in the email address in the ‘Link’ query below ( for example), then hit enter. It’s recommended to use an email obfuscator to avoid spambots from using available email addresses online.
Dreamweaver also allows you to use the HTML code to enter in a hyperlink. The code is as follows:

 <a href="">This is the text.</a>

The “” is where the URL goes, where ‘This is the text.” is the text that appears for the link. So you’d be left with a field that looks like this:
This is the text.
Make sure to enter this code online in the code section of Dreamweaver. If you enter it in the Design view, then it will not work.


A technique that websites use is allowing users to be linked to a specific part of a website. This is often used with news stories, where a user is taken to a perhaps the third or fourth paragraph rather than at the beginning. To create this, you should use IDs. There are two steps, the first is labeling the area to link to with an ID and the second is linking to this ID.

1. To create an anchor, highlight a word where you want the anchor to be. In the Property Window, type in a name for the ID.

2. To link to the ID, select the text that will be the link in the Design view. Under the Link box in the Property window, type # and then the name of the ID created in step 1. If you chose the ID name to be “fisher”, type in #fisher in the Link box.

3. It’s also possible to link to an ID in a different HTML page. Rather than typing in “#fisher” into the Link box, put the filename ahead of it. So if the ID is on a page titled “about.html”, you would type in “about.html#fisher”.

Multiple Text Link Styles:
Dreamweaver lets you change the different styles of hyperlinks depending on what the user does. There are three main styles for links:

1. Link color – How the link is viewed regularly on a website without the cruiser hovering over it. (a:link)

2. Visited links – After a link is clicked, the link is changed to a different color. This lets the user know that they had already visited the hyperlink. (a:visited)

3. Rollover links – When the user rolls over the link with the mouse without clicking it, the link turns into a different color. When the mouse is rolled off the link, it reverts to its original link color. (a:hover)

You can define different rules for different areas of a page by placing the name of the ID or class before the “pseudo-­‐tags” described above:

.content a:link


.sidebar1 a:link

Inserting Images:
To insert an image, place the insertion marker in the Design view of Dreamweaver. Next, go to Insert -­‐> Image. You can then either choose to insert an image saved locally on your computer (or hosted on the server), or you can insert the URL of the image if taken online. To use the image as a link, first click on the image. In the Properties box below, go to the ‘Link’ box. Then either insert the URL and press enter, or click on the folder button and find a document to link the image to.

Background Images:
To insert a background image, you’ll need to go through the CSS Styles panel. Double-­‐click on an existing rule to open the properties for it. (Typically, the templates use ‘body’ as the background for the whole page, but depending on how the page is set up, it may be something different.)

In the CSS Rule Definition dialogue box, select Background. The second field has ‘Background-­‐ image’, which lets you choose whichever image you’d like to be the background of that property. This can either be a URL or a saved image.

Image Maps:
Images can be divided into regions called hotspots, creating image maps. When someone clicks on the hotspot, an action happens, such as following a URL or opening a file. After an image is put onto your page, click on it. Below in the Properties field there will be a section titled ‘Map’. Fill in a name for the hotspot to keep track of the image map. After entering in a name, click on either the circle tool, the rectangle tool, or the polygon tool. You can use either of these tools to create a hotspot shaped to fit whatever you need.

After clicking on the tool, go to the image and click and drag to create the desired shape. If you have the polygon tool, you can click on the image wherever you want a point, and to close it simply click on the first point created.

You’ll be asked to fill out an Alternative title so people that are either unable to view the picture or whose computers can’t access it will be able to know what the image is of. After creating the hotspot, click on the hotspot. Below in the Properties field, insert the URL in the ‘Link’ box, or click on the folder and search for a document on the computer.

Basic tutorial for Dreamweaver CS5 : Part 1

Hey everyone !
In this lesson we will have some basic of Dreameaver CS5, how to deal with some tricks and other .. And there is more tips about this programme in other articles.

Creating a New Website:
When you first open up Dreamweaver, a welcome screen introduces the user to some basic options to start creating websites.
If you’re going to create a new website, most of the time you’ll want to create a new HTML (hyper-­‐text markup language) document. Web pages must be written using HTML, but luckily it’s one of the simpler languages. CSS (cascading style sheets) works in conjunction with HTML pages to alter the presentation of the website, that is, the look and formatting of it. If you have a previously created website, you can locate it by clicking on ‘Open…’ Using a Template: By clicking on any of the ‘Create New’ links, it’ll open a default website without a template. To see the choices that Dreamweaver has, go to File -­‐> New… or simple press ‘⌘N’.

Menu for choosing different templates.

To get there, go to File -­> New… If you look under the ‘Blank Page’ tab (as demonstrated above), it’ll allow you to choose templates within these different page types, i.e. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML, among others. What’s different, however, is being able to choose layouts. Now, it’s possible to create 1 column pages, 2 column pages, or 3 column pages. None has just that, no columns but rather a blank canvas. There’s also an option for adding a header and footer into the web page. Headers are often used for the website’s name and logo. The footer on the other hand is often used for navigation within the website or as a placeholder for the website’s copyright information.Although websites have developed these kind of standards, you can put whatever you want in either of these sections. Finally, there’s the option of fixed and liquid pages. A fixed layout is a website layout where your website’s size doesn’t change as your browser window’s width increases or decreases, it remains fixed. A liquid layout, however, is a website layout that expands or compresses with your browser window’s width. Each of these layouts has its own advantages and disadvantages that could be used in various scenarios.

Example of a 3 column fixed website with a header and footer.

Inserting text:

There are two ways to insert text into a website through Dreamweaver. 

The two ways to insert text, either: 1. in the design section, or 2. in the code itself.
The different codes created for websites dictate what is visually seen on a website. Dreamweaver allows you to look at both the code of the website (2) and how the website will look like with the codes (1). Through Dreamweaver, you can insert text into either of thes fields. Just simply click where you want to be inserted into and type away.
On a side note, don’t be worried about getting lost going back and forth between the code and the design section. If you click the mouse on a section in the design section (1), there will be mark in the code itself (2) to show where the text is.

Cleaning up HTML (from Word):

You’ll most likely find yourself importing text from Microsoft Word into Dreamweaver. Since Word uses its own coding to show different design changes (such as paragraphs, indents, characters, and tables), a lot of times copying and pasting will show up different in Dreamweaver. Rather than going through the whole document again and changing every character back to its original state, here are some suggestions to clean up the HTML.

1. When inserting the text, click where you want the text to be inserted, then go to Edit -­‐> Paste Special. In the pop-­‐up box, check ‘Text only’ as demonstrated below. This will remove any formatting that Word has added and leave you with just the text.

2. Check the code itself to see if there are any unwanted characters added into the text. Often these are characters only noticeable in the code and not in the design view itself, so it’s rather useful to scan the code to make sure everything looks correct.


There are two types of lists that can be created, ordered lists and unordered lists. An ordered list is just that, a list that goes in order, either numerically or alphabetically. An unordered list is typically a bulleted list, although its appearance can be altered through CSS.
1. This                                     • This
2. Is an                                    • Is an
3. Ordered list                         • unordered list

To create either of these lists, click on the space you want to create the list in the design view. Then below in the Properties menu, the lists will be to the right of the bold and italicize symbols. The first of the buttons on the left is an unordered list, and the button on the right is the ordered list. After clicking either of the buttons, start typing above. Every time you hit ‘return’, the list will continue. To get out of the list, hit ‘return’ twice.

If you’re having difficulty finding the Properties bar below, go to Window -­‐> Properties (or ⌘F3). An alternative way to access the lists is by going into Insert -­‐> HTML -­‐> Text Objects -­‐> Unordered List or Ordered List.

How to Connect Twitter to Facebook ?

You spend a lot of time on Twitter and Facebook, and I'm tired of having to post everything twice. I want to be able to update both social networks at the same time. Heres the solution step by step.

Visit the Twitter website from a Web browser -- not an app -- and sign in to your account. Click on the person icon at the top of the page and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.

Click on the Profile tab in the menu on the right side of the page to open your profile settings. At the bottom of the page, click "Post Your Tweets to Facebook."

Click the Facebook sign-in button and log in to your Facebook account. Don't worry -- your account is authenticated through Facebook's servers, so Twitter doesn't actually store your Facebook login information.

If you're already signed in, this is the screen you'll see. Click "Connect to Facebook."

Even though you're signed in to Facebook, you have to connect to the Twitter Facebook app and give it permission to post on your behalf. Click the drop-down menu near the bottom to select your audience -- you can let all of your friends see your tweets, or choose a certain group. When you're ready, click "Log In with Facebook" to continue.

Click "Allow" to give Twitter permission to access your Facebook. You can click the "X" next to Access Your Data Any Time if you want to disallow that option -- your tweets will still be posted on Facebook.

Make sure "My Facebook Profile" is checked to allow Twitter to post tweets on your personal Facebook. If you want to post on a page you manage, check that option and select the page from the drop-down menu. Click "Save Changes" when you've made your selections.

To change your Twitter settings on Facebook, click the arrow next to Home at the top of the page, select "Account Settings" and click on the Apps tab. Locate the Twitter app and click "Edit" to open the app's settings. You can click "Remove App" to disconnect your accounts, or change the audience and notification settings.

Now you did it! You can spend less time trying to coordinate updates and more time on the important thing.
Thank's  for having some time on our webstite !

My wireless connection keeps on dropping intermittently for no apparent reason?

Does your wireless connection connect, then disconnect, then connect again, only to disconnect two seconds later, and so on and so forth? It could be that your PC is trying to find an IP address and the DHCP server (which hands out IP addresses) isn't cooperating or isn't finding one. Here are some of the most common solutions for intermittent wireless connection problems that we come across.

- If you're using Windows, open a command prompt by browsing to Start -> Run -> and type in "cmd.exe"
In the command prompt window, type the following: "ipconfig.exe /release" followed by "ipconfig.exe /renew" You'll get a status message that may help you pinpoint the issue.

- You are trying to connect using Windows XP Service Pack 1. One of the major reasons Microsoft brought out Windows XP Service Pack 2 was to fix the numerous wireless networking flaws with SP1. So first you should check whether you have Service Pack 2 or not. (Go to Control Panel > System > General Tab).

- If you’re experiencing wireless connection drops using a laptop, it is possible that your wireless network card has a feature known as power management enabled. Power Management should be disabled.

- Make sure you have the latest drivers for your network card installed. (A driver is a basically a piece of software the makes sure a hardware component is able to “communicate” with your version of Windows). Having the latest driver version means any driver flaws have been ironed out by the manufacturer.

- Another solution to this problem would be to change the Preamble Type on your network card (of the computer that is dropping the connection). To change this, go to Start > Control Panel > Network  Connections > Right Click on your Wireless Connection > Select Properties > Click on Configure > Select Advanced Tab > Look under the left hand column called “Property” > here you should see Preamble or

- PLSC header > change the default setting from auto/short/long to “long only”. (What is preamble anyway?- preamble is what determines how long a wireless card will wait for a return response for a wireless router, if it does not receive a reply within a set period of time, the wireless link just times out, setting the preamble mode to “long only” gives it the maximum possible time to get a signal and greatly improves connection quality.

How can I secure my wireless network so that “passers-by” outside with laptops cannot access my data?

You have been sitting on your Laptop and you felt that someone is spying on you and can access your personal files .. Can not happen? Yes it can, through your wireless network and with different ways of hackers, but the important thing is how to protect your computer files through wireless network.

 Here are 3 relatively simple tips to make your wireless network safer:
First of all, your wireless network must be locked. (An unlocked wireless network is like putting your own personal filing cabinet on O’Connell St. and then letting any passer-by have a “look in”). It also means that people can steal your bandwidth i.e., they can piggyback on your internet connection, getting a free internet connection, while at the same time slowing your own connection down. The best way to lock your network is to use an encryption method such as WEP (a bare minimum) or WPA (more secure). WPA or WPA2, if your network hardware is compatible with it – is much more secure than WEP.

Make sure the password you use is strong. A password for your wireless network such as “united2008” is not strong whereas a hexadecimal password such as
 “87BDA07EDE2C93EAB7986E4B9BA7349D6553B57764F48EFAB1681DEE5782F1B2” is much more secure.

Change the network name to something other than the default. For example, your wireless network might be called Eircom 5236 889985 or Netgear WGT 624. These should be changed.
Telling potential hackers what kind of router you have only makes life easier for them.
Another thing which you can do to secure your wireless network is to make sure to change the default login code of your router. Most routers either have admin or public as the default login codes and password as the password! Most hackers are already au fait with this security weakness. These too should be changed to something more secure.

What you know about " RSS" ?

Perhaps some people hear the word "RSS" without knowing the meaning and nature of their work, but the more importantly, is that you'll learn it now and simply with us in your favorite website Hisoka - Tech.

RSS Feeds - RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. It is technology you can use to have information sent to you, rather than having to go look for it. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it. RSS solves a problem for people who regularly use the web. It allows you to easily 4 stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. You save time by not needing to visit each site individually. You ensure your privacy, by not needing to join each site's email newsletter.

You can tell whether a Web site provides RSS by noting the RSS button on Internet Explorer. If it’s grayed
out, that means no RSS. If it turns orange, you can click on it and just get the RSS (no ads, etc.). To subscribe to the feed itself, click the Subscribe to Feed link. When you want to come back to the feed(s)
later, simply click on the star button on your browser (Favorites Center) and click the Feeds link. You’ll
see a list of any Feeds you’ve subscribed to. NOTE: There are several Web sites on the Internet that maintain large listings of available RSS Feeds. These sites include, CompleteRSS, and Search
4 RSS.

Learn how to create an attention-grabbing image with Photoshop CS6 Extended

Introduction to the New 3D Capabilities of Photoshop CS6 Extended from Steve Caplin

Tutorial Details
  • Apps Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Estimated Completion Time: 16 Minutes

Photoshop CS6 Extended is packed with new and exciting features to help you work with and create 3D objects much more efficiently. In this tutorial, Steve Caplin will introduce you to these new features so you can start incorporating them into your workflow. Let’s take a look!

Android World: The first tablet device from production Egyptian accm Company

The first tablet device from production Egyptian accm Company

Sizes different 8,9,10 will be available within 3 months, which still runs on the production lines is the 7-inch just is not the first shipment will be delivered exclusively to Telecom Egypt and later will be selling at Carrefour and Spinneys hypermarket
As well as products will be available again in hypermarkets like Smart Tv 

Specifications in detail: - ACCM700:
Product Description: 7" capacitive MID, with 4 GB flash
CPU Speed: 1GHz
Operating System: Android 4.03
RAM: 512 MB DDR3
Wireless networking: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
External Slot memory: Micro SDHC card Slot (max 32 GB)
Camera: 0.3MP (front)
Product Description: 8" capacitive MID, with 4 GB flash
CPU Speed: 1GHz
Operating System: Android 4.03
RAM: 512 MB DDR3
Wireless networking: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
External Slot memory: Micro SDHC card Slot (max 32 GB)
Camera: 0.3MP (front)
Product Description: 10.1" capacitive MID, with 8 GB flash
CPU Speed: 1GHz
Operating System: Android 4.03
Wireless networking: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
External Slot memory: Micro SDHC card Slot (max 32 GB)
Camera: 0.3MP (front)
Product Description: 9.7" capacitive MID, with 8 GB flash
CPU Speed: 1GHz
Operating System: Android 4.03
Wireless networking: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
External Slot memory: Micro SDHC card Slot (max 32 GB)
Camera: 0.3MP (front) - 2MP (back)

How to convert a Windows 7 to Mac

Welcome all fraternity members and visitors to yur site Hisoka -Tech

 We invite you to follow this new convert Windowos7 to Mac.

This is a
picture from my computer before:

And this is after:

This a link to download this awsome prorgamme

So i download it how can i use it ? 
It's sipmle just follow me explain the installation with pictures: 

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
And the last step:
We need to reboot the computer to save the work we have done.

It's too easy like you see and this link to the people who suffer from weakness of the Internet and could not see pictures Thread
This is all what i have at the moment, see you soon in other tips and don't forger to join us on Twitter and Facbook also.

The Hisoka - Tech Team 

4 Ways to Minimize Spam In Your Inbox

Spam is one of the worst things that is happening in the Internet. In the least, it steals our time, because we need to delete them every time they come to our inbox. While spam may still be there until only God knows when, there are things that you can do to minimize the number of spam in your inbox.

Here are four of them:

Use Disposable Email Addresses
Spammers usually collect email addresses by harvesting them from various online sources such as web pages, mailing list archives, and so on. Therefore, if you need to post your email in public online places, don't use your primary email address. Instead, create an email account only for that purpose and set it up to forward received emails to your primary address. If you receive too many spam via this address, you can just disable it and replace it with a new one.

Obfuscate Your Email Address
Since spammers usually harvest email addresses using some kind of bots, try to obfuscate your email when you post it in a public online place. Do it in a way that it's still comprehensible for a human reader, so that your addressee can read it. For example, instead of posting "," replace it with "abc (at) xyz dot com."

Use Long or Uncommon Email Address
Spammers may try to guess your email by sending email to short or common addresses in the hope that it will reach some valid addresses. Because of this, using a long or uncommon email might be safer then using a short or common email. So, if you create an email account, try to get a long or uncommon, yet comprehensible, email address.

Don't Respond to Spam
When you receive spam in your inbox, don't respond to it in any way. Don't reply to the spam email or click on any link in it, even if it looks like an opt-out link. It's likely that the opt-out link is a fake. Responding to a spam will confirm to the spammer that your email is a valid one and you may get more spam because of it.

Final Words
There you go, four ways to minimize spam in your inbox. By minimizing spam in your inbox, you can save the time that is wasted by spam and spend it productively in your business. Your inbox can also be cleaner and thus easier to manage.

Kerry Sage is an internet marketer and webmaster. If you want to learn how to increase website traffic, please visit his website at

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Protect Your Inbox With Anti Spam Software

Have you ever opened your email and found many items on your inbox from people you don't recognize? If your answer is yes, then you are a victim of spamming. Get rid of this problem and avoid encountering unsolicited messages in your inbox again with anti spam software.
Today spam isn't just your favorite pre-cooked processed meat anymore. It's a message sent by businesses to many unsuspecting recipients used to market their products and services online. At first it seems as though this won't be a problem because it is after all a legitimate method of online advertising. When your inbox starts receiving thousands of these in a day, that's when it becomes a bother. In fact, there were over seven trillion spam messages sent this 2011 alone. While there's no threat in numbers, there is threat in opening unsolicited mail that contains a virus or, even worse, serves as a phishing tool. It can put your information out there for people to access and hack into.
This is where anti spam software comes into play. These programs block unwanted messages from entering your inbox. They may come as a feature in your email or as a separate installation. You can go with a basic program that only filters your incoming messages and detects junk mail and other malware and phishing links contained in each email. If you are a business owner, you may want to choose more advanced software, which provides filtering of outbound mails as well, to provide protection for messages it detects as confidential and highly sensitive.

Whether you are looking for a basic program or advanced anti spam software, you should decide on a program that does the following things at the very least:
Prevents spam, malware, and viruses from entering your email servers. Truly effective software blocks these unwanted items even before they reach your inbox. Don't settle for a program with lesser capabilities.

Installs easily using web browser-based installers. Web-based installation lets you get protection quickly by allowing you to use the program as soon as it finishes installing. You want to stop these messages from flooding your inbox as quickly as possible, so choosing software that is easy to install and use is a must.

Provides continuous protection and automatically updates itself regularly. Spammers come up with new tactics every day to get past anti-spamming programs. Select a provider who continuously updates your program, bringing it up to speed with the latest spamming techniques. In addition, choose a program that lets you set scheduled updates so you can use your time for more important things.

Meets your preferences and your budget. Basic programs are free, but the more advanced ones cost some money. Make sure you get all the features you need for the best rates. These programs are usually economically priced, so budget won't be too much of a problem.
Ensure you get these in your software package at the very least. You don't have to endure receiving thousands of spam messages each day and risk exposing your private or professional details to the rest of the world. Get good anti spam software and protect yourself today.

Edgardo Allred is an event coordinator who uses advanced anti spam software for emails and is happy with the performance of that anti spam software.

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A Few Tips to Reduce or Eliminate E-Mail Spam

               The first and probably most important technique for preventing unwanted spam is to simply not give out your e-mail address to any person or business that you do not personally know and trust. This may seem a bit counterproductive to the whole purpose of having an e-mail account, yet it really is the first line of defense in the battle of reducing or eliminating unsolicited e-mail, or simply spam. While it can happen with personal e-mails the sharing or distribution of your e-mail address to sell-able lists typically will occur from the business sector. It is from these sell-able lists that the unwanted spam is born. Try and separate personal e-mail accounts from business related e-mail, which will reduce your personal e-mail exposure to the marketing lists.

Another very helpful strategy for cutting down your spam intake is to have specific e-mail accounts for specific tasks. For example, an e-mail address specifically for public use such as online shopping or signing up for this free trial or that promotion. These public addresses can go ahead and fill up with spam because you don't care. It's not your personal e-mail that has all your private information associated with it. Keep in mind however, when doing any type of online purchase to be cognizant of the privacy policies and how much information you include. There are many companies offering free e-mail services and these are superb for using as a public e-mail.

Finally, even though it does not occur from the private or personal e-mailing sector as often, the sharing of your e-mail address without your knowledge or consent does happen. How does this happen is answered in the information I am about to share with you about how to prevent it. Typically you give your e-mail to a friend and that friend gives it to another. Also, the person you gave your e-mail to is a "feel good" e-mailer, who feels it necessary to send you and all their other friends, co-workers, and acquaintances the joke or 'pass it on' e-mails. In these e-mails they Carbon copied you and everyone else. There it is, your e-mail and 99 other e-mails of people you don't know, some of them business e-mails, who also do not know you but now have a listing of all the included e-mail address. That is how your private e-mail that you only shared with one person has been transmitted around the internet world. So, the technique to prevent this is to very directly and firmly, yet in a nice polite way, inform anyone with whom you share your private or personal e-mail with to not share your e-mail with anyone without first contacting you, and to never include your e-mail in any of their mass mailings. This will prevent any misunderstanding and keep your private e-mail spam free.

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