
Photoshop Background Effects: An Inexpensive Way To Create Professional Looking Portraits Every Time

Photoshop has been around for several years now, and the tool of choice for many, if not all successful professional photographers. They may not use it directly, but almost certainly have someone in their team that has the ability to utilise the full features of this amazing piece of photo editing software to enhance their landscapes, portraits, action shots or whatever their particular niche is.

Creating Photoshop background effects can be confusing, with the vast array of tools, menus and sub menus to sort through. This prevents most people from learning exactly how quick and easy it can be to create something as simple and as neat as unique background effects that can dramatically enhance the artistic quality of their photographs.

The ability to create Photoshop background effects, if properly understood, can potentially save the aspiring photographer $1000's in equipment, especially if your niche is portrait photography. It eliminates the need for a number of expensive items:
• No Studio required
• Don't need the best camera on the market
• No expensive lighting
• No expensive hand painted backdrops (or the room to store them!)

Literally anyone with more than a passing interest in photography, with a program like Photoshop, can be creating professional looking backgrounds for their portraits within hours. It is also easier to carry around a thumb drive with your stored backgrounds, than having to store and maintain them in a studio.

Another great bonus is that once this skill is learned and mastered, it creates the potential for earning money, producing backgrounds for other people. Don't believe me... take a look on eBay right now; there is an ever increasing market for digital background templates. What a great way to create a little extra income, or as another dimension to your business.

BUT... there is definitely an art to creating digital background effects that look authentic. If done incorrectly they can make the photo look fake and pasted. This is usually due to:
• Bad blending
• Bad lighting
• Bad cut-out
• Not enough space for background
• Wrong choice of background colour

The key to avoiding these common mistakes is having access to the right information, and finding a system that can help you master these problem areas. There are many, many Photoshop tutorials available online, but if what you really want is to create professional looking portraits with digital background effects, make sure you find one that focuses on that niche.
If you would like to learn more about digital backgrounds, or see what is possible with digital backgrounds, then you may want to visit


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